Google & Social Media Ads
Green Guru Landscape Marketing Google Ads, as well as Social Media on Facebook and Instagram, campaigns help businesses maximize their online presence and reach their target audience effectively through pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.
PPC campaigns are designed to drive traffic to your website, increase brand awareness, and generate leads that can turn into sales. While PPC campaigns are a proven stratagy to drive leads, it is a tool we utilize whle we focus on getting your website to rank organically. We have a team of PPC professionals who are well-versed in creating successful PPC campaigns that deliver results.
Commercial and Residential Landscape
Commercial and Residential Lawn Care
Commercial and Residential Irrigation
Commercial and Residential Tree Care
NxTGen Solutions offers the following services to assist with your Google Ads, Facebook and Instagram Campaigns:
Keyword research
Ad creation
Campaign management
Tracking and reporting
Help generate new leads fast
Ad campaigns are budget friendly which you control
Retargeting can be setup to follow your site visitors
Puts you at top of page in local results
We are committed to helping you piece all your marketing efforts together to achieve your marketing goals and grow your business.
No Tricks, No Gimmicks, No Cookie Cutter Approach
We use our experience in Marketing and in the Green Industry to help your company grow
Still not sure if Green Guru Landscape Marketing is the right fit for business?
We understand!
Choosing the right marketing agency is difficult. We are in the green industry just like you and found out that most marketing agencies were just Digital Marketing agencies, more concerned about Pay-Per-Click ads. Sadly there is a disconnect with the understanding of how the green industry operates, your customer, and your specific industry’s marketing needs as it relates to your bottom line.
Green Guru Landscape Marketing approach is simple, not focusing on just Customer Acquisition or Digital Marketing and also not bringing a “cookie cutter” model to fix the issue. We bring real-world experience and knowledge to the table to achieve your business growth goals.
Our goal is to create a strong organic presence that grows with your company.
Green Guru got us away from wasting money on lead generation and helped us focus more on local organic search. The quality of leads and closing rates have increased dramatically thanks to Green Guru's marketing approach.
Will your company see overnight success? – NO! – WHY NOT? – While we can help drive leads at the beginning, our primary goal is to help you maintain sustained organic growth. In the long run, this method is a solid marketing foundation that can be built on.
As part of the initial process, we will have some tough conversations– WHY? – Our business is to help your business grow.
We will never work with two companies in the same industry and region. - WHY? - It is called exclusivity. This way we can focus 100% of our effect on your company in your area.
We will work hard for your company no matter what the size – WHY? – Our goal is your Company’s success! Your Success = Our Success!
Green Guru Landscape Marketing Insights
How to Manage Online Reviews for Landscape Companies
Online reviews can be a major selling point for potential customers. How to leverage your reviews can help secure more jobs add to your company’s revenue.
Marketing Campaign Phone Numbers: How It Impacts Local SEO
Learn about the benefits and challenges of using campaign phone numbers for your business’s marketing efforts and how it can impact your local SEO rankings.
Google Local Services for Landscaping – The Ultimate Guide
Grow your landscaping or lawn care business with Google Local Services Ads. Targeted leads, credibility, cost-effective pricing & easy-to-use tools.